

two months old.

Clara's two month stats: (taken at her appointment which was 9 days BEFORE she was two months old)
weight - 11 pounds 8 ounces - a little above the 50th percentile
head - 15.5 cm - 75th percentile
length - 24 inches - 90th percentile (she IS my daughter!)

This month, Clara has started cooing like crazy.  She continues to smile a lot.  She has slept through the night twice this month (11pm-6:15am).  She is nursing with ease.  She discovered the mobile above her swing and smiles at those cute bears often.  She still sleeps in the bassinet next to our bed and usually wakes up once at night to eat around 4 am.  She grew out of her newborn clothes and started wearing size 3 months.  She also moved from newborn diapers to size 1 diapers.  She got in her first car accident this month (April 11 - rear ended by an older gentleman at Eagle/Overland), and also went on her first vacation to visit her cousin Ben in Palouse, Washington.  She was babysat by both grandmas this month to give Mommy a quick break to do things like get her hair done and go to doctor appointments.  She is so loved by both her parents and extended family.

I took a bunch of photos on April 25th - Clara was 2 months and 3 days old, and I couldn't pick a fave so I'm posting them all!  Enjoy!

At two months, Clara is...
getting chubby...
 a little drooly...
 pretty chill...
 serious (only at times)...
 a little bashful...
 slightly precocious...
 full of smirks...
 learning to hold her head up...
 and perfect!


  1. You are not going to believe this BUT, I cried when I saw those pics! Happy tears of course :)

  2. My personal favorite...goofy!

  3. I love that Gwen is sitting next to her on the first one. Super cute pics!
