

love ya spring!

Today, even though it wasn't even 50 degrees outside, Clara and I celebrated spring by doing some planting!  I got my 2 types of lettuce and my spinach in containers!  I planted some basil, thyme, and cilantro seeds in pots to sit at my kitchen windows.  I got all my flower seeds started, and a few veggies.  I'm planting my tomatoes and peppers in larger pots (or yogurt containers that I've been saving for a year now) this year instead of the small seed starting slots that I've tried in the past.  I'm hoping it will make my starts grow larger before placing them in the ground in June!  I still have one type of tomato and three types of peppers to start (maybe tomorrow).  It was a great day!

 Roma tomatoes and all the other veggie and flower starts (thus far).
 Herbs in the kitchen.
 Lettuce and spinach.
 Clara helping Mom!
 And a close-up, because she's THAT cute!
The pups, Mac and Gwen, helping me get the lettuce and spinach situated!  I couldn't believe I could get them both sitting at the same time in the same vicinity!  Good dogs!


  1. Geez Clara is cute in her snowsuit!

  2. OMG that kid is A-dorable! I'm with Oma, she looks SO CUTE in her little bear snow suit with her mittens on....=)
