

Clara goes to first grade...and a shower.

It was a great day!  We slept in (but that's the norm) and then we headed to Reed to visit some long lost first graders!  At first, my class acted shocked - like they almost didn't recognize me!  Then, Mrs. Rupp (my fantastic long term sub) suggested I sit in the rocking chair and let the first graders ask some questions.  I think we heard about 5 questions and heard a cajillion stories.  After all, that is what question time is all about in first grade... story telling.  It was great to see them all.  I got to meet my new student- who is from China, and I remembered every name (something I was worried about). 

Thanks Miss Hall for sneaking in to snap some pics for me!

After meeting the first graders, we headed down to one of the first grade classrooms and my team threw me a fantastic shower!  There were treats, lots of fun conversations (I miss all the fantastic people I work with!), and they gave me an over the top gift - a huge gift card to Babies R' Us.  I work with such wonderful people who are entirely too generous.  I teared up when I opened the was just too much! 

Thanks for a great day Reed staff!  I am looking forward to seeing you all everyday long as I don't think about NOT being with sweet baby Clara 24-7!

Here are a few cute pics from today!  Clara's sportin' a flower clip given to her at the shower.  The hunt for the elusive smile day we'll be successful!


  1. My oh My that baby is C-C-C-CUTE!

  2. I know I'm biased BUT....could that kid be ANY CUTER?!!!
