

Palouse - day 7

Yesterday, we putzed around Moscow for a bit until Emily was done with class.  We went to Moscow Building Supply.  This might not sound that great, but it was an awesome store!  I purchased a retractable outdoor clothes line (I can smell freshly dried sheets already) and a hook that I looked all over Boise for when we moved to our new house last Oct.  Yay!  Then we went to a sporting goods store called Tri-State and had another awesome shopping experience (and I was looking forward to Nordstrom Rack tomorrow!).  I found killer winter and summer items on sale, like a Mountain Hardwear down vest for 70% off, and a cute kavu skirt, and a brown patagonia dress for 20 bucks!  It was a good day!

 Then, last night, we went to a killer coffee shop in downtown Palouse that serves pizza every Thurs. night and has live music.  It was a blast.  We got there super early (like 4:45, but remember, we are toting around 2 babes and you never know who may have a meltdown so you need to go places when the going is good!).  I had a great pizza with bbq sauce, apples, basil, pesto, and a few other things on it.  It was great.  I also had a good, dark beer - it is allowed every once in a while when nursing!  This is Clara and I at the Green Frog.  She was having tons of fun!
 Here are Em and Ben at dinner!
 Mom (Oma) and Ben at the Green Frog.  The stage was behind them in the corner of the place.
 The light was fantastic coming through the windows at dinner for about a minute last night (we've had so much rain).  But I had Clara laying in a funny way on the table so the shadows are a little interesting.  But oh well!  See...she was having a blast!  She loves music!
 Here she is getting her diaper changed this morning.  I think getting changed is her favorite thing to do in life so far.

Two things have happened this week with Miss Clara - she is now wearing size 1 diapers instead of newborns, and she has learned to fake cough!  She usually does this silly fake cough when she is hungry and is kinda crying, or when she is laughing.  It is hilarious! 

Ben finally gets to see his parents tomorrow - and we'll be down to caring for just one babe.  I don't know what we'll do with all our spare time!

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