

official start to spring, among other things.

Spring is here, and my mom and I celebrated by getting manicures, pedicures, AND facials on Sunday.  The salon where I go to get my hair done runs this earth day event and they provide services for $15 each, so we went all out and spent about two hours at the salon.  Thanks to Grandma Brooks for watching Miss Clara while I relaxed for a little bit!

On my mom's toes is "Vodka and caviar", and on her fingers, "Passion".  She picked great colors.

 On my fingers "You don't know Jacques!" and on my toes, "California Raspberries".  I'm kinda into grey on nails lately!
On a random note - I stopped by mom Mom's house today so we could zip to a local nursery and look around, and she showed me her pantry and cupboards that she cleaned out.  I looked up to the top shelf and just had to count the boxes of jello and pudding - there were 26.  Seriously mom?  Needless to say, I took a few home!  I also came home with a bottle of red wine vinegar (because she had THREE sitting in her pantry) and I brought home some other random stuff!  My mom is still shopping like she's cooking for 6 everyday, when really it's just my mom and dad at home.  Cracks me up!
Here is cute Clara today laying on the couch.  I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before on the blag, but Clara loves alone time.  If she's super fussy and isn't hungry or wet, we know she needs some alone time and wants to lay on a couch, bed, the floor, or in her crib and chill.  It is one of her funny quirks!
When I lay Clara down on the couch during the evening for her alone time, Gwen likes to join her.  Good thing Gwen knows she needs to leave some space in between them!  Crazy girls!


  1. my defense...I'm a closet Mormon and we all know that everyone needs one year of food storage. I will share everything in my three food pantries and three freezers with Kurtis and Clara but not the person who makes fun of me!

  2. I would never make fun of your food hoarding, Mom. I also will now be expecting a big box full of pantry items to be sent home with Emily after Easter.

    Also, Baby Clara is getting FAT! I love it!

  3. Geez, can I have some of that food too? I know where I'm headed if something happens and we need to hide out somewhere:) PS: The pantry looks GREAT!!!
