


Here's what's new...

It is beginning to feel like spring!

 We put in 3 garden boxes and bark.  The boxes are each 8ft x 4ft and should grow lots of great things for us.  Jeff, Kurtis' dad, was nice enough to help us do lots of shoveling and heavy lifting!
 Since these pics were taken, Kurtis went and bought a bunch of sandstone - so now we have stepping stones around our garden!
 Clara was well behaved as usual.  She loves being outside.  Grandma Janet came over to help take care of her while the rest of us worked on the garden. 
 Clara is still smiling a lot!  She is so fun to be around.

 I went back to work on Monday.  This photo of Gwen shows how I feel about it...a little down.  I miss Clara lots during the day.  Good thing I'm a teacher and only have 20 more work days till I'm off for the summer.  I love my job and love the people who I work with, but I love my babe more!  I've heard it gets easier with time - thank goodness!
Oh...and another thing...back on April 11, Clara and I were rear-ended by an older gentleman.  His insurance cut us a check for the damages.  Thankfully everyone was ok. 

Well the crazy thing is, last Friday, my mom and I went to Edward's Nursery to celebrate my last day of maternity leave, and I got hit AGAIN!  I can't believe it!  Poor Clara has been in two car accidents in three weeks.  This time, a lady in a mini van with huge shoots of bamboo in the back (which were obstructing her view) backed right into me.  My mom, Clara, and I were all in the car and I was honking like crazy as soon as I saw her coming, but she just backed right into us!  She was British, and I'm afraid she was up all night watching the royal wedding and therefore was so sleep deprived that she hit me!  So sometime this week, I need to make yet another call to another insurance company!  My car may be red, but I SWEAR, it isn't a target!

That is what's new with us.  I've found out that being a working mom is pretty exhausting...and therefore I've been neglecting the blog! 


  1. WOW! The garden is looking awesome. I can't wait to see what you grow. BTW...that baby gets cuter by the day!

  2. OMG she is just getting cuter and cuter all the time! Can't wait to see her again (and see what you guys grow in those awesome garden boxes!)!
