

jammies photo shoots.

These first shots I snapped Saturday morning.  She was just as content as could be in her bouncer.  She's wearing some new jammies because she's fitting into size 6 month pjs now, and it is fun to see her in something new when we wake up in the morning.

 And these were taken last night.  Some are a little blurry. If you couldn't tell, she was NOT in the mood for a photo shoot.  But I was...and her cute little lemon/lime/orange jammies from one of my first graders were too!  I can't believe she's getting so big!  Slow down Clara!  I don't want you to grow up too fast!

 Sucking on my hands is a new thing - and sometimes it is soothing.

 But sometimes, I just really want my binkie!
 Ahhhh - better!

 Here she's thinking - MOM, get out of my face!  And still, she looks so pretty!

 Are those real tears?


  1. She looks soooooooo cuddly!

  2. Awwww, she does look cuddly Oma! What cute jammies on that beautiful girl!
