

3 months old.

At three months - Clara is...
25 inches long
head - 16 inches
weight - tbd (we don't have a good scale)

Clara is a delight!  Everyone tells us what an easy baby she is.  She has a pleasant disposition, is happy almost all the time, and is meeting all the monthly milestones.  She can hold her head up well.  She is putting weight on her legs to "stand" while being held on our laps.  She continues to grow and eat well - she eats every four-ish hours during the day, and at night eats at 10:30 pm and doesn't eat again till 6 or 6:30 the next morning.  You heard me people - the girl is sleeping through the night!  Love her!

She is wearing size 3-6 month outfits, and size 6 month jammies.  She squeals in delight and laughs often.  She is always ready for someone to make eye contact with her so she can give them a smile! 

She still loves her baths.  She started taking vitamin d supplements this month - Doctor's orders to start at 2 months. 

Clara continues to do this precious little fake cough when she's about to laugh or cry. 

She is loving having books read aloud to her.  She looks at the pictures and talks to them while we read!  I hate to brag, but I think she has concepts of print down as well - she almost always looks at the left page first, and then the right!  Genius baby!

These last couple weeks, Clara has been bringing everything to her mouth to suck on.  Her dresses, burp rags, her teething toy Sophie, her binkie, her fists, and even the washcloth in the bath so she can suck the water out of it!  Crazy girl!

This month, I went back to work and Clara went to Oma and Grandma daycare.  So far - out of 15 work days, she's only had one or two fussy days.  Both Grandma and Oma report that she was a wonderful baby most days, which makes her Mom and Dad proud! 

We love Clara so much!  She is a beautiful little girl, inside and out!  It has been so fun to watch her grow this month!  Here are some pics of the baby in the Bumbo - for scale of course!

 Alert and ready for anything!
 Uh oh - the head is getting a little heavy here!  But there is her favorite giraffe - Sophie!
 And my fave...the big girl doing what she does best - smiling!


  1. She is so precious in that Bumbo....she is totally working the camera!

  2. It just doesn't get much better that that! She is so precious! I still have her & your gift under my desk at work! I will get it off tomorrow! Thanks for sharing! Miss all of you guys!!!
