

new trick.

So in yesterday's post, I told you all that Clara had learned a really great new trick!  For two nights now, Clara Ann has slept in her big girl crib in her room all by herself!  I was worried at first.  I waited until I was done with work for the summer to transition her to the crib.  She's been in the bassinet next to our bed until now, even though she's been sleeping through the night for over four weeks.  I think part of me wanted her to sleep in our room forever.  I knew I'd miss those cute nighttime noises, the grunts and sleepy yawns.  I also thought, "What will happen if she needs her bink in the middle of the night?  I'll have to get out of bed!"  But I only had to get out of bed once the first night at around 3:30am, and I didn't get up at all last night!  I'm telling you, the girl is an absolute trooper!

Here are some pics of the girl in her big crib!  She looks so itty bitty in it!

Just a happy camper this morning when I went in to get her!

 I love when her limbs are blurry - that means she's moving like crazy!
 Here's a pic of the whole crib for scale!
 What a girl!

1 comment:

  1. She looks SO happy in her big girl crib! AND so tiny :-) Love her smiley little face....
