

growing in the garden.

We've had some successes and some failures in the garden this year.  But really, the growing season is still young - with our crazy spring weather and all.  I'm not complaining though, I love that it's June and still in the 60's and 70's.  I dread 80 degrees this year - which is very unlike me.  Here are a few things we've got goin' on!
My begonias - I was over watering them during early spring - whoops!  Once I watered less, they've been a bloomin'!

These are my pots with impatiens seeds.  I've read lots of people struggle to grow impatiens from seed, and I am one of those people!  This is round 2 with seeds!  We may be in trouble!

 This is the one sprout I have from impatiens seeds!  Good thing I learned how to propagate from an impatient stem earlier today!  I'm getting to work on propagating later this afternoon!
 Here are the impatiens I plan to propagate1  Two shades of pink.  I love them!
 Up close and personal.
 Here are my four pots of gerbera daisies!  No blooms right now, but I see lots of blooms ready to pop up!  I just bought the outer two at Lowe's on major clearance for $1.25 each.  Love that sale rack in the garden dept!
 My marigolds coming up from seed.  I think they'll be just fine!
 Nasturtium from seed.  Doin' great!
 More marigolds from seed.
 These two wrought iron plant stands and the plastic planters inside them I found at garage sales last weekend!  Awesome!  I planted English daisy seeds in them.  Hopefully we'll be seeing blooms soon!
 In the whiskey barrel, I planted four packets of an annual seed mix.  Should look great in a month or so!
 Zinnia seeds in the metal planters that Kurtis and I found in the mountains a few years ago!  I love zinnias from seed.  They are the easiest flower to grow from seed!
 A dahlia that I bought on major clearance at Lowe's!  It has bounced back beautifully and is blooming like crazy!  I can winter my dahlia's too - so I won't have to buy more next year.  I have three dahlias in pots in the front beds.
 My three hanging baskets are doing great!  They have a great tomato orange/red geranium, a spike, and some verbena in them! 
 Now let's move to the back of the house.  Here are more zinnia seeds!
 Here are cosmos from seed.  Doing good!
 The lettuce is fabulous this year!  I can't eat enough salad to keep up with it!  The green is buttercrunch, and the other planter is a romaine mix!  The spinach is done - I need to plant more spinach seeds to get another crop.
 This was the best surprise!!!  I planted a bunch of roots/bulbs and this is the only one that has emerged (one out of six have come up - that may be considered a failure!)  It is a peony - and I can't wait for it to give me beautiful blooms that I can put in a vase inside!
 Berries!  In the foreground are two blueberry bushes, then farther down is a marionberry, and then farther still is a blackberry!
 On the other side of the yard, we have two raspberries.  The one on the right was the original that we bought, the one on the left was this tiny shoot off the main plant that we planted just to see what would happen, and lo and behold, it is doing famously!
 These poor lobelia baskets and planters with wave petunias and sweet potato vines don't have a home right now!  Since we've been working on the patio cover (I say we, I mean our friend), they've been shoved to the side.  When we finish painting this weekend, they'll find a better home!
 Here are a few seedlings that I still haven't put in the ground.  They are all perennial flowers.  I have some coneflowers, some creeping thyme, some black eyed susans, some pyrethrium daisies, and one lonely shasta daisy!  Gotta get them in soon!
 Here are a few remaining tomato starts that I have.  We actually need to put a few more in the garden box - 'cause we had a couple that we planted that didn't make it!
 Here is a cucumber start - we planted seeds a couple weeks ago!
 This is either a crookneck or summer squash.  I can't remember which ones I planted where!
 Here is one of our baby pepper plants.  We have some green, some red, and some Anaheim peppers that I started from seed that we transplanted to a garden box.
 Some of our itty bitty tomato plants.  They are totally going to make it!  When I walk through the garden I hear them chanting, "We think we can, we think we can, we think we can!"

 Here is one of the garden boxes.  In the front we have parsnips and carrots, then we have four types of onions, then leeks, then broccoli, then beans, and finally peas!
 Another view!
 Here are some of our asparagus spears.  I started them from seed as well.  They are a total experiment!  We'll see if we can harvest them in the future, but it will take around three years!
 Here is a strawberry start.  I have another one that hasn't come up yet!  And in this box with the strawberries and asparagus, I also have a rhubarb root that hasn't come up!  Maybe next year!
 Here are all three boxes!  I started everything from seed except the strawberries, rhubarb, and the walla walla sweet onions (mine from seed died so I had to buy some more).  We'll see how the harvest is this year!
 Here are my herbs by the kitchen sink!  The basil is quite spindly, the thyme is a little iffy - I need to get it outside, and the cilantro has already been cut back once for a meal, and it is growing back pretty well.
 Here is my rosemary!  No - your eyes aren't playing tricks on you!  Nothing has come up!  And this is round 2 with seeds!  I don't know what I'm doing wrong!  I really want it to work, because do you see the adorable plant labels I got from my mom!  I need my rosemary to grow!  (I also will use it while cooking!)
 That's how things are growing here at the Brooks house!  I hope to be able to report back in a month or so with more successes, and fewer failures!

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