

at home.

We've been home for a week now, and we're still adjusting to life with a newborn.  Clara is sleeping pretty well, which makes her parents happy.  She went to her first Dr. appointment on Tuesday and was down to 7 lbs 2 oz, so we're working hard on feeding her as much as possible!  We have been helping Clara practice following objects with her eyes, mimicking our facial expressions, and at one week old, we think Clara is smiling back at us.  She is too fun!  Enjoy some pics.

first bath
 afternoon photo session to try to get a good shot for birth announcements - love the smile!
 cuddling with daddy
 gotta love a girl in striped knee socks!
 a little attitude toward the end of the photo session
 a little MORE attitude - inappropriate!
 OK - we're done!


  1. those are freaking cute! can't wait to see that little peanut again soon (and you guys too, of course).

  2. Love the pictures & blog! Looking forward to meeting baby Clara and seeing the new parents soon! Congrats again you guys! (Steve K.)
