

5 months old.

Clara was 5 months old on the 22nd.  She is doing many new things this month. 
She can roll over (to the right) from back to front, and just this last week she learned to keep on going like a little steamroller and go from her tummy to her back! 

She has great motor skills.  She can take the binkie out, put it back in, she can pick up almost anything around her and get it to her mouth - watch out!  She can switch objects from hand to hand with ease! 

She is eating rice cereal like a champ!  She makes a mess of course, but gets it down just fine!  She eats rice cereal about every other day at dinnertime. 

She still sleeps like a champ!  All night long from around 10:30 pm-7 in the morning.  She sleeps a little less during the day now...takes fewer naps. 

She is getting so strong.  She can lift her chest off the ground while on her tummy with ease. She can almost sit up on her own, and sits beautifully with support.  She can stand with support. 

She weighs 14 lbs. 14oz.  She is 26ish inches long.  Her head is almost 17 inches. 

The best thing about Clara is her happy demeanor.  She smiles so much and her laugh is getting heartier each day.  She takes in everything in her environment and is curious to experience it all - by touching, looking, listening, and tasting.  She loves being upright these days.

We just love Clara so much!  Take a look at these pictures I took tonight after her bath.  Her hair is still wet, and she's just in a diaper cover, but she's so content just hangin' in her crib and smiling for the camera!

 I love this one!  She has been sucking in her bottom lip lately. 

 This may just be my new fave of Miss Clara!


  1. Awww--she is just so cute.

  2. Ummm, Oma remember code word is "smart"! BUT I can't pick a fav...they are all great of our presh little girl!

  3. Oops I plum borgot!

  4. She looks just like Kurtis, it's amazing! Except that she's a very, very smart-looking, book-loving, intellectual Kurtis.... Okay fine, she's darn cute!
