

cousin photo shoot in Christmas jammies - another photo shoot gone wrong.

We bought the babies Christmas jammies on black Friday (at approximately 2:30 am) and we wanted to get a great holiday shot of the two of them.  Once again, easier said than done...remember this

It started out great, except I forgot to take Clara's binkie out (she was on the verge and ready for bed!). 

 Both babies love giving this huge, old bear kisses!  Can you believe how long Clara's hair is getting?
 Oma is trying to wrangle the two of them...they're not so happy about it!
 Cutest pic of Ben...EVER!
 After lots of failed photos (I didn't include them, it would be painful for all of us!), Teenie had the genius idea to bring out a strand of Christmas lights!  We were hopeful that maybe, just maybe, the two babes would sit still for a half second and look at the camera!
 Another great shot of Ben!
 I'm afraid these were our best photos of the night!  They finally sat still in close proximity to one another and played with toys...fairly Christmassy, right?
 Here they are, the kissing cousins!

Maybe when they're a year older we'll get a good picture...oh wait, we'll have a third cousin to wrangle for a photo op (Ben's going to be a big brother)!  At least we have fun trying!