

8 months.

At 8 months, Clara is 28 inches long, her head is 18 inches around, and I don't know how much she weighs, perhaps 18 pounds-ish? 

She is doing SO many new things.  She is:
sitting on her knees
going from laying on her belly to all fours and then to sitting
turning all the pages in books
pulling herself up (as of this evening - gasp!)
trying all kinds of tastes of real people food, not just baby food
she eats 3 solid meals a day and drinks 4 bottles (I've given up on nursing, this working full time thing really makes a lady's milk supply go DOWN!)
waving hi and bye-bye
needing to be entertained a little more (not so ok with sitting by herself while I cook dinner anymore!)
wearing 12 month clothes (even 12-18 month clothes at times)
her fine motor skills are amazing! - she can pick up small pieces of carrot or a smashed pea or a "puff" and get it right in the mouth and down the hatch

She is still a delight!  She goes to bed at around 8 or 9pm and wakes at a little before 7am.  She still goes to "Oma daycare" full time, 5 days a week...the lucky little duck!  Her parents are pretty lucky as well!  She loves snuggling with softies of all kinds - animals and blankies mostly.  Clara loves to sit in carts in stores, but constantly tries to turn and face forward in the cart.  She LOVES swinging at the park and bike rides.  She adores other children and babies.  She tries to smother any other small child within her reach!  And she loves giving kisses to other kids and babies, even babies in books.  She loves giving kisses to the adults in her life, too!  She even kisses on command!  We can't believe how fast she's grown and how much she changes weekly!  We're just trying to soak it all in and enjoy every minute with our amazing little 8 month old girl!


  1. I love these pictures of Clara! We need to get together soon:) Missing you two! Mar

  2. PS- I can't believe all of the things she can do now...AMAZING!

  3. What a sweet big girl now! I love that she is almost always so smiley and happy!!
