

A Killer Shower

So on January 8, 2011, my Mom's neighbor Carol and her daughter Becky threw me an amazing baby shower.  Before the shower, I was a little concerned that we weren't ready for a baby AT ALL, but after the shower, we were set up in business.  We got spoiled!

Here are the fabulous hostesses...
And here are some other shots of the party people.

And of course, Baby Ben (Teenie's baby) was there with bells on. 
Since the shower, Kurtis and I have stayed busy getting everything washed, put away, and put together.  Thank goodness Kurtis is handy and can assemble swings, pack n' plays, and other baby &$#@ easily! 
Does he look ready to be a dad?  He keeps whispering to the belly, "Come out...come out, we're ready to meet you!" in a somewhat creepy voice. 

Now I just worry about the dogs.  They don't know what is about to hit them!  Enjoy it while you can Gwen and Mac!


  1. Cute pics. Your Mom and Janet look soooo excited! Kurt looks a little scared. :)

  2. Excited doesn't even begin to cover it. Over the top.....maybe :)
