

our two year old.

At two, Clara:

is 33.5 inches tall - 89th percentile
weighs 30.2 pounds - 86th percentile
head - 18.5 inches (which apparently doesn't matter anymore)

Favorites according to Clara (which by the way was like pulling teeth!!!)

color - red
toy - puzzles
fruit - grapes
tv show - Elmo
food - chips
outfit -?
game -Yahtzee (Kurtis and I are laughing out loud!!!)
animal - frog
song - Itsy Bitsy Spider
book - We're Going on a Bear Hunt
drink - milk

Favorites according to Mommy

color - she chooses green and orange frequently when coloring
toy - baby doll, hands down!
fruit - bananas and oranges
tv show - Sesame Street
food -  almonds and peanuts (thanks Opa!!!), jerky and most "dead meat", bread of any kind, peas, carrots, oatmeal, and sadly...processed crap like mac n' cheese, hot dogs (ick), and chips (she's her father's daughter)
outfit - navy polka dot dress
game - playing Super Clara (when she gets out of the bath, she "flies" around with her hoodie towel on her head yelling "Super Clara".  She climbs onto the outside rail of her crib, and hangs so her head is upside down and her "cape" is dangling.  Oh, and she ONLY wears her towel!  Ha!
animal - any animal (she just doesn't love snakes, lizards, and bats that we know of)
song - Happy Birthday to You
book - Goodnight Moon, There's a Wocket in My Pocket, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?, We're Going on a Bear Hunt, Bear Feels Scared, Potty (Patricelli), Mother Goose Rhymes
drink - MILK (she'd drink milk all day if we let her instead of eating food)

Quirks at two:

  • Clara finally brushes her teeth well.  We just tell her we're getting rid of those icky cavity bugs!
  • She hates getting into her car seat.
  • She'd go to the park everyday if possible.
  • Clara knows what she likes/wants.  Don't try to convince her otherwise!
  • She still adores reading books and will bring books to anyone if she thinks they'll read to her!
  • She loves babies...real babies and pretend babies.
  • She has been wonderful at her last two doctor appointments, which hasn't happened since she was a newborn!  Yay!  At her two year appointment, her doctor was getting ready to leave and gave Clara a hug and said, "See Clara, I knew one day we'd be friends!"  And she asked Clara if she wanted a sticker.  Immediately, Clara said, "And candy too?"  Her doctor told her she was a smart girl, and gladly forked over a sticker and a green lollipop!
  • She is starting to be able to tell us where to go (give directions) while driving in the car.  She says things like, "Almost there!", and "This way!".
  • She holds her baby up in the car and says, "Look baby...this house" and shows her baby the stores "houses" as we drive by.
  • She's gone potty a few times on the toilet.  We aren't in any rush at all, but we give it a whirl when getting in and out of the tub while she's already stripped down (that's half the battle, right?).
  • She loves changing shoes.  She could sit and try on shoes in her closet all day!
  • The girl loves to be outside.  Even when the temps were around 0 degrees this winter, she begged to go outside!
  • She can carry a tune beautifully!  And during Christmas, she would sit at the piano, and if she had someone singing "Jingle Bells", she'd pound out that rhythm on the piano.  Made her Oma proud!
  • She is starting to make up stories, which is hilarious.  One morning recently, I laid in bed listening to her on the monitor.  She said, "Oh my gosh!"  So when I went to get her out of bed, I asked her why she said that.  She said, with lots of dramatic flare, "Clara leg...broken!"  Really?  Already?
  • When there's a silent moment, she'll say, "What else?" and "Hmmm".
  • She started dance class the day before she turned two.  Oh my!  Best half hour of my week!  We get an ab workout from all our laughing. 

And now, for your enjoyment.  Here are a few videos of Clara at two!  She's quite a card!

You're welcome for those!

We love our little girl!  She keeps us on our toes, gives us a little bit of sass, and shares lots of love with us!

Our only problem is that these first two years have gone by completely too quickly!  Is it possible to freeze time?


  1. She's a scream! I love the poses on the stairs. So cute.

  2. Hahaha! So, so cute! I love her conversation with you!
