

Kaufman visit...Labor Day 2012.

The Kaufmans did Boise for Labor Day...that is, all the Kaufmans except Steve.  It's always fun to have them here to play.  Ben and Clara fight like siblings, Clara smothers Will, and Will is Wonderboy!
 But aren't they cute?

 Oma and Will playing the ice-a-wagon game while Teenie and Ben snuggle on the swing.
 He's such a happy guy!
 And here are the three hoodlums in the bath.
 I love this.  Clara is pestering Will, and Ben is putting one ear in the water.  The little oddballs!

Each visit we have with the Kaufmans is wonderful...except the last one in mid September.  It was during that visit that Clara gave both Will and Ben the wonderful gift of the 7 day hellacious flu.  We like making sure that if one of these cousins vomits and poops their brains out, they share the bug so everyone can join in the fun!  You're welcome Teenie and Steve.  Just send me the carpet cleaning bill!

1 comment:

  1. We figured Clara giving the boys the 7 day crud was fair payback for Ben biting Clara twice. Hope everyone is feeling better and healed by now!
