

quick trip to Lewiston.

 Clara and I bravely headed north to Lewiston for Uncle Steve's 30th birthday.  We had never taken a long car trip as just a duo, and I was nervous.  Clara isn't the best traveler I know!  But, I bought a portable DVD player, a few cheap kid DVDs (gotta love those PBS shows), and we were off!  She was a wonderful traveler, both up and back!  Thank goodness.

As we neared Lewiston, we started talking about who we were going to see in a few minutes.  I'd say a name, and she'd repeat that name.  When I said Steve, she said "weez".  The nickname Uncle Wheezy was born...which is completely appropriate because his last name is Kauf-(cough)-man. 

We went for just the weekend, but we had loads of fun.  On Steve's actual birthday, he woke up and mentioned he'd go like to look for a baby gate for the top of the stairs at the new Walmart.  Classic!  So we courageously headed to the Walmart in Clarkston (courageous because just a few months ago, a man was attacked by a vicious rattle snake!). 

The weekend was great!  We ate well, played some games, let the kids run around together, and painted nails.  I'm sure it was just the kind of weekend Steve was hoping for to celebrate his 30th!

Mom was already up there when Clara and I arrived on Friday night, and the three of us headed out in our two separate cars on Sunday morning.  Teenie was sneaky and planned a surprise get together with the Kaufmans for Sunday afternoon, but we had to be back in Boise for work on Monday morning, so we had to miss out on the fun.   It was still a great weekend!  Happy 30th Uncle Wheezy!

Here are some fun photos of the weekend!

The progression of these next pics are hilarious.  To get a good picture of two toddlers is quite the challenge!

Here's the beer cake I made for Steve's b-day.  Really classy, I know, but Kurtis guaranteed me that out of all the beers in the world, Steve would prefer a beer cake made of Keystone Light...and Kurtis was right. 
Here is a hilarious pic of Steve and Clara.  (Notice he's drinking a Sessions, that's more like it Steve!)

And here is the view from Steve and Teenie's new house.  Pretty farmland as far as you can see.  It is just where they belong.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming up Beth and Clara! It was fun seeing you & I'm still enjoying that tasty "birthday cake"...Steve K.
