

garden tour...july 2012.

The warm weather we've been having has really given the garden a good growth spurt.  These pics were taken two weeks ago (maybe more) and since then, the garden has grown a lot more!

Here are some geraniums I wintered.  They made it!  I only had a few bite the dust, and they were mostly plants I propagated late in the season last year.  I love that exotic geranium in back! 
 I'm so glad I finally have echinacea in my garden now!  I've wanted it for a while!  I started this as seeds early last spring and put it in the ground late last year.  Didn't think it would make it, but now it is blooming!  I started some more seeds this year, so hopefully next summer I'll have even more blooms!
 The Shasta Daisies are going wild!  The blooms are huge, and the plant is almost up to the kitchen window!

 Here are some blackberries.  We've already eaten a handful!
 And blueberries, which are getting close to ripe!
 And these green raspberries are no longer green.  We raid the raspberries every evening.
 We had a great crop of strawberries this year.  We are still getting some everbearing, but the June bearing are done.  Clara loves these, and so do the birds...hence the netting.  Behind the stawbs is some asparagus that we'll be able to harvest next year, and a little rhubarb.
 This box has peas (which are Clara's fave), and itty bitty tomatoes (don't worry, they'll get there, they always do!), and parsnips and carrots. 
 This box has green, red, and walla walla sweet onions.  It also had radishes (those are done now), and green beans (bush beans) and anaheim peppers and red and green bell peppers.  I also threw in zucchini, crookneck squash, and cucumber seeds around the perimeter so those vines will hang down on the ground.  Heading out tonight to pick the first zucchini!

 More geraniums that survived the winter in the garage!
 These are cuttings that I took from Teenie's succulents up in Palouse.  I plan to dip them in rooting hormone powder and plant them in boxes in the flower beds.
 This dahlia made it through the winter too!  I had three out of four survive the winter.  It is so nice to not have to buy all my flowers new each year!
 Here are some geranium cuttings I took.  Now, three out of four of them have blooms.  One didn't make it, but honestly, I need another geranium like I need a hole in my head!
 And these are what the three planters look like in front of our house.  I have a hodge-podge of stuff in them.  Calibrocha, sweet potato vine, petunias, a spike, marigolds (from seed), Magellan zinnias (from seed), and red lips salvia (from seed), verbena (from seed), and a geranium.  I hope they get huge as the summer goes on.
Hope you enjoyed the tour of how things are growing at the Brooks house this year!  We've had some success, and some failure too!  But we always love to dig in the dirt and watch things grow!


  1. love those dahlias! i might need to plant some in our new backyard. or we could hire you do plan and plant the gardens?

  2. Wow...just looked at all your garden pics...beautiful! So sweet that Clara is getting to share in your love for gardening as a little harvester:)
