

the fourth of july.

We rarely do anything exciting for the 4th.  Usually, we just rush home a little before dark to comfort the poor dogs who aren't the biggest fans of fireworks.  Plus, we have a one-year-old, so it is safe to say we didn't go all out this year!

We simply had dinner at my parents house.  Just my mom and dad, and Kurtis, Clara, and I.  We ate well, and had fun relaxing together!

 I love this next picture of Clara!

 Clara had a ball playing on the chaise loungers by the pool.

 We spotted some wildlife...quail on the roof, and foxes and a hawk and plenty of other birds in the park below my parents' house.
 Clara played near the pool with her dad.

 And got lots of snuggles from Oma and Opa.
 All while I enjoyed a nice, cold one!  Caldera IPA...I recommend it!
I should have gotten a shot of my dad in his usual 4th of July tizzy fit!  He loathes fireworks, and worries about a fire on the hill behind their house every year (for good reason, there've been a handful of fires that I remember over the years).  This year, he turned the sprinkler on so powerfully that it shot over the fence of the neighbors who are notorious for shooting off fireworks (illegal fireworks) in a not so safe way/place.  The sprinkler seemed to send the message without any need for an exchange of words.  It's just a part of the Waldon 4th of July tradition!  Yay America!

1 comment:

  1. So adorable! Those chaise loungers look amazing. Can't wait to try them out! And we'll spend a holiday with you guys one of these years...
