

a birthday surprise.

On June 29, my Mom turned 54 and I turned 30.  Birthdays really aren't a big deal at this point, but it is fun to share a day with my mom so we can celebrate together.  We had a nice day together.  Got manicures and pedicures, had a nice family dinner on my parents patio, and then we received a birthday surprise...Teenie, Ben, and Will snuck down to Boise and stayed the night!  Clara and Ben were thrilled to see each other, and Clara loved kissing and hugging cousin Will.  They only stayed about 12 hours, but we managed to get a few cute pictures while they were here!

See this poor baby's wrapped feet.  That is a story I'll put on the blag soon. 

Thanks Teenie for making the enormous effort to drive down to see us for such a short amount of time!  We loved spending the evening and morning with you three!



  2. It was a whirlwind, but I'm sure glad we got to say "Happy Birthday," to you guys in person!
