

Palouse trip, part 1.

Clara just loves her cousins!  She loves to talk to and play with baby Will.
 But just look at him, he's certainly easy to love!
 At times she gets squirly when she's around her cousins!
 Ben is so capable...that comes with being the oldest of toddlers/babies.  So he usually is running circles around the other two babies.  Clara adores him but we've found few ways for these two to play well together.  We think it is the age... tell me it's the age!  Just when we think they love each other, they give each other a too rough hug, and fall to the floor.  Clara usually cries, Ben gets put in time out, you know the drill!  I know we'll turn this corner soon, maybe when Clara can communicate a little better!
 This is what Teenie's house looks like when we come to visit.  We bring a tornado with us that destroys the house!

 Clara can't help but give Will a hug every time she walks by him.  He looks like he really enjoys those hugs, doesn't he?

I love when these kids get to see each other!  They have so much fun together!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs/Tackles...not sure which ones Ben gives. Fun playing with you guys in Palouse! Steve K.
