

Clara visits the farm.

Kurtis' Mom, Janet, works with a woman who lives on a small farm.  She owns chickens and one rooster, three sheep, five new lambs, and four cows.  She also owns a little dog.  We went for a visit on a bleak, rainy day at the end of March.  Clara LOVED it!

Here she is spotting the sheep for the first time.

 She even got to pet the little girl lamb, Begonia.  Love it!  Begonia is the daughter of Buttercup, and sister to Iris and a few other lambs named after flowers.  She wasn't scared at all.  She reached right out and felt the soft lamby wool.

 She's been hesitant at home to say, "Baa" when prompted.  All it took was the real thing to get her saying, "BAAAA" over and over again.  Here she is in action.  First she's baa-ing, and then she also learned how to say "Cock-a-doodle-doo".  She's loved the page in The Very Busy Spider with the rooster on it for a long time, but hasn't ever said cock-a-doodle-doo till now!  I guess it is true... it takes real-life experiences to motivate us to learn at times! 

She couldn't stop cock-a-doodle-dooing after our visit.  She continued to say it the whole way home, and even once we got home she continued sounding like a little rooster for a long time.

 After we spent a lot of time with those cute lambs, we headed out into the pasture to visit the big sheep and cows.  She didn't want any help!  Our little Miss Independent wanted to go all by herself...uneven ground, piles of poop, and all!
 Here she is resisting a helping hand!
 She helped feed Buttercup some poppyseed muffin. 

 That uneven ground will git 'ya little girl!  Let your parents help you, PLEASE!
 "No way!" she says.  Off she went, on her own.  A little girl in a BIG pasture!

 Then we got to meet Mayzie.  She was a sweet black cow who wasn't too sure about the little creature (aka Clara) that came to pay a visit. 
 Of course, our little dog-lover had to spend some time giving loves to Katie the dog.  She even made the low purring/growling sound that Katie makes when she gets petted.
Thanks Trish for opening up your fences to us, and thanks Janet for arranging Clara's first visit to a farm.  We hope to be back soon to check on all our new animal friends!


  1. I love that pic of Clara alone in the pasture with those giant animals!

  2. Oh my gosh, that is soooo adorable! She looks so grown up!

    And Begonia the lamb? Love it!

  3. Fun post! If she needs to learn about tractor sounds, we can get her purring like a diesel engine in no time with a visit to the Kaufman Farm...I'm sure Ben would be willing to teach her too!
