

14 months old...and Easter afternoon.

Clara was 14 months old on April 22.  She has begun talking so much.  She observes everyone and everything around her.  She wanders around and repeats, "dis" over and over to ask what something is called.  Now when we name objects for her, she tries to repeat us.  It is exciting to watch her vocabulary grow. 

She is drinking vitamin D milk from a bottle now.  Her favorite foods are peas, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, o's (Cheerios), and any variation of bread.  She has become such a great eater in these last two months, thankfully. 

She has had a little bit of trouble sleeping all the way through the night.  During months 12 and 13, she was making a habit of waking in the night and crying.  When we entered her room to rock her or give her the bobby, it made things worse.  As soon as we'd pick her up, she'd point to our room and get excited and then would be wide awake!  There were many nights where she'd wake up twice and have to cry herself to sleep, which would sometimes take up to an hour.  We tried other ways to get her to sleep, but giving her any type of attention in the night only worsened the sleep problems.  So at a year, our child learned to cry it out.  It was awful, but nights are back to their restful ways around here (knock on wood). 

Clara knows many parts of her body.  We practice in the bath.  She can point to her toes, her knees, her belly, her belly button, our eyes, our nose, her ears, her hair, her mouth (she just makes fishy noises when we ask her where her mouth is), and she can wiggle her fingers. 

She can say many animal sounds.  Some new ones are
bee - zzzzz
sheep - baa
lion - roar

She says moon and hush (from her fave book of the moment, Goodnight Moon).

She says ball, down, I love you, boobs (don't ask), and nods her head yes and no (and means it!).

She can go up and down the stairs on her own. 

I know there are many other developments, but I'm forgetting them at the moment. 

These pictures were taken Easter afternoon.  We spent the afternoon with the Waldons (sans Kaufmans ):  It was a glorious day.  The weather was perfect and we spent a lot of time outside.  As you can tell, she's quite the toddler.  It's cliche to say, but what happened to our little baby?

In this last photo, she's pitching a fit, which she does more often than we'd like.  I'll say she's just advanced and reaching the terrible twos a little early, but I know that's not the case.  I'm really hoping we don't have a dramatic one on our hands.  This pic is just thrown in there so you can see how nicely Kurtis and Clara matched on Easter.  Sadly, we didn't get a shot of all three of us dressed up.  But at the same time, I was wearing purple, so I'd have stuck out like a sore thumb!

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