

our one year old little girl.

At one year, Clara is:
31 inches long - 95th percentile
24 lbs. 8 oz. - 95th percentile
head - 18.5 inches

I can't believe how you've grown this month Clara!  Physically, you have gotten so big!  You are wearing mostly 18 month clothes now, and your 18 month jammies are almost too small.  Even though you've grown so much, when we see you walking around, we giggle because you seem like such a little short stuff! 

You eat everything we eat, which is pretty great!  You don't seem picky at all.  You'll eat almost anything, as long as you get a good look at it first!  You never let anyone shove something in your mouth without eyeballing it first!  You still have to be in the mood to eat, or else meal time is a little frustrating.  We've learned that you'll eat when you're hungry.  So we I'm not worrying so much about your eating anymore!  You are loving oranges and strawberries lately, although we think eating too many strawberries may have given you a little bit of a rash yesterday.  Allergy?  You are liking zucchini, and loved your first bite of chocolate and birthday cake (uh-oh). 

Some new discoveries you made this month were grinding your teeth (ahhhh!) and popping your jaw (once again, ahhhhhh!).  Could you have picked more disgusting things to figure out this month?  Oh, and your love for the dog water and food dishes and an open toilet are also a little disturbing!  You've learned early that what isn't allowed is exactly what you want!

You are walking and almost running now!  You can zip up the stairs quickly, but still struggle turning around to come back down the stairs.  You love your cuppie of water, and tote it around with you often.  You can point to your belly, toes, ears, and sometimes your knees.  You can point to other peoples' noses and eyes.  You're doing pretty well with your animal sounds.  When we ask you what a puppy says, you say "boof".  A cow says "mmmmmoo" (emphasis on the mmmmm), you say "bop" for beep like the sound a car or microwave makes.  You just learned to say "teet" for tweet.  You looked at a picture of a zebra the other day and said "moo", so we're still working on it.  Maybe it was because of the black and white colors?  When we wander around the house, you point to anything and everything and say "dees".  Maybe that means "this".  We've heard you say "hi" and "no".  When we tell you "no thank you" you look at us with WIDE eyes and shake your little head.  Sometimes you obey, other times we still need more practice!

You still get plenty of sleep, little girl!  About a couple days a week you skip your afternoon nap altogether.  But usually, you sleep for 3-4 hours in the morning from 11-2 or 3, and again from about 5-7.  You have had a couple all night parties this month, but you've also been cutting molars, so we'll let it go for now!  You have 3 one-year molars, and the fourth is ready to break through any second.

Clara, you little person, you!  We adore you.  You fill each moment with joy!  Your spunk and enthusiasm make the everyday things so enjoyable!  We are loving every second with you!  The only thing we'd change is how fast time is flying by! 

Now enjoy these three, crazy pictures of our little girl.  She's sitting in a little rocking chair that was mine when I was 1.
 Really, you're giving your mama that face?  What did I do wrong?

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