

Clara's birthday post #1...the preparations.

We celebrated Clara's first birthday party on Monday, February 20, 2012 at our house.  We invited family members to come celebrate the special day with us!  Kurtis and I both had the day off so we were able to spend a little time getting the house ready for our guests.  We also snuck in a few photos of the birthday girl...but you'll have to check back later to see those!

I made Clara's cake, and the single cake would have been just fine.  The latest craze for first birthday parties is a "smash cake" for the one year old.  I didn't feel like that was necessary, but as the day wore on, I thought maybe a little something special would be nice for our sweet one year old.  So at the last minute, I whipped up a single serving of cupcakes (the recipe made 3) and topped them with sweet, pink, buttercream frosting.  It ended up being just right for the little one.

And here's a shot of the inside of her cake.  I didn't choose a big theme for her birthday celebration, I just wanted a lot of color for our colorful little child.  So I made her an easy version of a rainbow cake.  It turned out pretty cute!

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