

baby Will.

Clara has a new cousin and we couldn't be more excited!!!  His name is William Henry and he was born on Jan. 14th weighing 9 lbs 10 oz.  He's a little moose, the kind of moose that is the cutest moose you've ever seen!  We went back and forth all week about heading to Palouse.  Teenie's due date was Friday the 13th and we thought she'd have had the baby by then for sure because we knew baby was so big.  Wednesday night rolled around and I said I wasn't going.  I texted my sisters and mom and said I was out.  My mom promptly called me and before I knew it, I was in again!

We drove up Friday morning and got to Palouse at about 1 pm.  Teenie and Steve left for the hospital at 6:30 and baby Will Will (as Ben calls him) was born in the night!  We couldn't have timed it better!

So...we got to spend the weekend with Ben.  We got to see baby Will three days in a row.  We got to witness a FREAK snowstorm on the Palouse and almost got snowed in!  All in all, it was a great weekend!  Here are the pics to prove it!

Here's Oma with her 3 grandbabies

 Auntie Em with 2/3 of her nieces and nephews
 Sick of hospital room pictures yet?

 Didn't think so!  Who can resist a picture of an hours old baby!  Gosh.  He's just beautiful.
 Cue the oohs and ahhs.

 Here is William sucking his thumb!
 Teenie and her two babies.
 This is Steve's brother Phil who really knows how to show off a newborn's face!  The rest of us need to take lessons.  This is the cutest picture of Will.  He looks just like his big brother Ben!
 And brace yourselves...this was the best picture of the weekend!  Here is Ben meeting his new brother!
For the sake of Ben in years to come, his mama had just taken away a toy car so he could pose for the picture.  That's the real reason he's crying, not because of his baby brother.  It just couldn't have been a better first picture of these brothers!

Teenie...thanks for going into labor on such a perfect day.  Teenie and Steve - Thanks for letting us crash at your house.  Thanks for giving Clara another cousin to play with.  And thanks for giving Kurtis and I another nephew to love.  We can't wait to squeeze baby William again soon!

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