

my dear husband.

Nothing makes me happier that when my husband surprise cleans for me!

I came home from a long weekend up north (more on that to come) and this is what I found.  I'm glad I don't have a before picture (you don't want to know how terribly dirty our shower was before).  I was so thrilled when I saw the shower that I had to snap a picture of it! 

I mentioned Pioneer Woman in my last post.  I love her blog!  She sometimes writes haiku poems, and I thought I'd try it in honor of Kurtis...because he cleaned our shower!

I left a huge mess,
You swooped in with your muscles,
And the dirt vanished!

Thank you Kurtis!  A few years ago, a clean shower wouldn't have made me feel the way it makes me feel today!  I'm still smiling a few days later!