

Mother's Day 2014.

To celebrate Mother's Day this year, the Brooks side of the family went out to a fun dinner on Friday night to a local brew pub, Crooked Fence.  Some of the family members were going to be out of town on Sunday, and celebrating early was a fun to stretch the holiday out a bit and celebrate all weekend!

But I'm a bozo and didn't snap a single picture that night.  Boo.

On Sunday, we went over to my Mom's house for brunch.  We snapped a few photos on the patio...

And then, we went to the Morrison Center to see the Boise Music Week production (free tix) of The Secret Garden.  The play began at 2:00 pm, which is exactly when Clara usually goes down for a nap.  So, she slept through much of the play.  Thankfully, Auntie Em is a good resting place!

I love this pic that we captured!

Posting about this months late reminds me...Clara and Kurtis got me a fabulous gift!  A massage (which I still need to schedule, btw!).  It was a fabulous Mother's Day!  Kurtis and I are so lucky to have such wonderful moms, and I'm beyond blessed to be Clara's mom!

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