

Clara's favorites.

Recently, Clara has developed some true-blue green favorites.  She's been eating Life cereal for the last two months straight.  It's the first thing she asks for in the morning!  And she's relentless 'till she gets it! It is one of the first foods (besides milk) that Clara has just loved.  She eats most foods, but she LOVES LIFE!

When Clara started tinkering around with going on the potty months ago, she earned an M & M for each time she produced!  She always chose green.  Always!  And that has transferred out into other areas of her life.  If there is ever a choice, she'll choose green!  Every time!

Her favorite toys are still her babies and stuffed animals.  She carts them around all day long.  And she doesn't hold just one at a time!  She usually stuffs as many babies as she can in her arms and carries them around with her!  She loves to pretend that her and her babies are going places.  I'll watch her sit on the stairs and pretend to buckle her baby in, then buckle herself in, and then she tells me where they're off to!  I love how much her imagination is working these days!

She loves watching television and movies (way too much!), and she does have a few shows that she always asks for.  She loves Sesame Street, Clifford,  Caillou, and Curious George on PBS.  The movies she loves lately are The Fox and the Hound, Aristocats, and Nemo.  Although I have to say, the old Disney movies are SOOOOO sexist and even racist at times.  So I've avoided showing her any of the other oldies by Disney.

In the car, she begs and pleads to listen to Taylor Swift.  It started because her Auntie Emmy was listening to T Swift once, and we made the connection that it was Auntie Em's music.  Since then, it is all she wants to hear in the car.  There's only so much of it I can take, but we listen to it frequently for short periods of time.

Those are some of Clara's honest-to-goodness favorites.  I love that she's got such a personality of her own!

And here she is eating her beloved Life cereal this morning!

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