

Whole lotta snow.

It snowed all day today! Like all day! Our students didn't go out for recess at all, which made our first day back quite long!

After school let out, my considerate husband sent me a text saying he'd drive to my 'rents house to pick up Clara. I was thankful I didn't have to be in the car for a couple if hours. The roads were nasty!

So in return, I zipped home and shoveled all (ok, most) of our driveway and sidewalk. That way, when he and C got home, we could all just play in the snow!

Clara was hilarious! She kept toppling over in big piles of snow and saying, "a yiddle help!". It was pretty funny! Here are some pics of the goofy girl!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! "A yiddle help!" Looks like someone's making snow angels and tasting a yiddle snow!
