

Waldon family pictures.

The Waldon's had family pictures done over the Thanksgiving weekend so that everyone could be included.  Steve and Teenie were coming down for the holiday, so even though it seemed a little late for family pictures, we set the date and prayed for good weather.  

Well, good weather we didn't have.  But we made the best of it!  And we're sure our pictures would have been top notch had the weather been nice.  But we got some decent pictures anyway, despite the snow/rain/cold!

The whole Waldon family
 the three babies

 Auntie Em and the kids (they love's obvious!)
 Mom and Dad
 One more of the whole group
 Ben and Clara

 Clara Ann

 Oma and Opa and Ben, Clara, and Will
 Steve, Teenie, Ben, and Will
Let's plan our next photo session for family pics in July or something, ok? 


  1. Drip...Drip...Drip.
    Worst photo session E-V-E-R!

  2. I loved looking at these photos tonight! Blesses my soul to see the whole Waldon family together and Oma and Opa with all of their beloveds! You are one beautiful family!
