

Merry Christmas!

We hope your day is merry and bright, and we wish you a joyous holiday with your friends and family!

In mid November, we had some family pictures taken in Kuna.  Back when I was pregnant, I had a parent of one of my first graders mention that she started a photography business.  I've had three of her kids in my class in the last few years, and I finally got around to asking about getting some photos taken of our little family.  We LOVED how they turned out.  It was a beautiful November day, and now we'll always be able to look back and remember this time in our lives!  I'd recommend her in a heartbeat, and when I viewed the pictures for the first time, I sent her an immediate e-mail stating that she'd have us as regular customers from now on!

Enjoy looking at these scrubbed-up versions of ourselves!


  1. Holy Cow! Every picture is stunning...what a sweet family! I want to have her take a family photo next fall of the entire Brooks clan...

  2. Cute family photos!
