

Summer fun.

It's my last day of summer vacation, so I want to recap some of the fun we had this summer.

We enjoyed watching the garden grow and the fun visitors to the yard (see the quail in front of the geraniums - she had 3 babies with her).

We were lucky to have lots of cousin time!

We swam in Oma and Opa's pool quite a bit - this time it was with our friends!

Clara started taking piano lessons from Oma.  Here she is working on her theory.

We spent lots of days at the water park.  Many days, we went with Grandma!  It was always a good time!

Water park with cousins!

We put our Zoo Boise pass to use a few times during the hot months!

Clara as a meerkat - you should see the video that accompanied this pose!  Too bad it is too long to post!

Elliott joined the cousins for a bath after a night of swimming!

Clara got really into Lego's this summer, thanks to cousin Ben.  What an awesome activity for kids!  I just watched her spatial awareness capabilities blossom and thought about how much this will benefit her.  Great toys!

Clara drew a family picture...note there are 4 people in our family!  Surprise!  The fourth person is Teacher Diane, who Clara just adores!  I loved it!

Hanging out with Mac laying on her...he weighs 100 pounds.

Cooking with Oma

Hanging by the pool...Clara drinking Ginger Ale before nap time.  I guess anything goes at the grandparents' houses!

Eating the first garden carrot

My sisters and Mom and I went to the Book of Mormon musical.  Entertaining!

And before the play we brunched at Fork!

Clara took the BEST Zumba kids class.  It was 5 weeks long and 2 days a week.   It was incredible tow watch her follow directions and shake it.  She loved it!!

As summer wound down, we spent some days in my classroom.  Clara always finds fun things to do there, and this day she worked hard to write lots of words and letters on my white boards.  What fun! I dreamed of doing this as a kid (nerdy teacher truth).

It was a fabulous summer, and I'm sad to see it come to a close!  But I love my job and look forward to getting back in routine.  I know Kurtis is looking forward to that too.  I stay up way too late in the summer, and in turn, he does too!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you mean Clara was doing her "meer-dog" impression?
