

Spring fun 2015.

For part of spring break, Clara and I headed up to Lewiston to visit the Kaufmans.  It's always nice when we just hang out and spend time together.  And these cousins always keep us entertained!

It was almost Easter, so we painted some Easter eggs to hang as a garland on the mantle.

Kurtis got roped into helping the National Wild Turkey Federation this year (even more than usual) and we had to go to the banquet.  Clara loved it and got a hat and a new scooter.  She even got to help Opa draw the name of the winner of a game that night.

I worked on a new quilt for Clara.  It was the first BIG quilt with many, many pieces to sew together, and it went so much better than I expected.  It is full of flaws, but it covers her new big girl bed!  I picture her keeping it forever, so that made it worth it!

Gwen and Mac are good at just hanging out around the house, and Gwen joined me on some runs this spring in preparation for a 10 K Teenie and I ran last weekend.  We both aren't as young as we used to be!!!

We played music on our guitars, too.

And Auntie Em graduated from nursing school at Boise State University!  Woohoo!  Go Em!  She has a job already, too!  Her time working as a CNA in the ICU at St. Als really paid off!!!  She starts nursing in the ICU in mid-June!

The proud family members!

Plenty of other things happened this spring, too!  But I'm feeling behind so I lumped all of these together!

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