

Healthy again...maybe.

Poor Clara has had quite the time lately! Two weekends ago, she got pink eye. It quickly spread to both eyes. At the same time, I got a killer cold, which she quickly caught. By the time we made it to the doctor, she had pink eye, the cold from you know where, and two ear infections. She was given eye drops and amoxicillin! Two days later, she puked, which made me worry she was allergic to amoxicillin since this was her first time taking the stuff. However, I think she must have just gotten a little stomach bug, because that only lasted the morning, thank goodness! So for the last two weeks, her appetite has been nonexistent and she's been fussy! Oh, I also managed to cut two of her fingers during one of her non-meals! Seriously, we had quite the two weeks! But I think we may have finally turned the corner! Her appetite isn't great yet, but she is much more cheerful! We may be on our way to being healthy once again! Oh, I forgot to mention she woke up with her two upper eye teeth yesterday, after pulling an all-nighter! Like I said, quite the two weeks!

1 comment:

  1. I think you might wanna keep her away from the petri dish also known as Oma & Opa's house. It's dangerous here and not for the weak of heart!
