

our three year old.

At three, Clara:

is 40 inches tall - 96th percentile
weighs 33.4 pounds - 76th percentile

Favorites according to Clara

color - pink
toy - princesses (she doesn't have any princesses...)
fruit - apples
tv show - The Aristocats
food - mac and cheese
outfit - capes
game -Candyland
animal - monkey
song - songs from Frozen the movie (she scream-sings "Let it Go" daily)
book - The Lorax
drink - juice (a rarity around here)
What is something Mommy says to you - "Hello"
What is something Daddy says to you - (she growled at this question)
What makes you happy - friends
What makes you sad - "that my friends take from me" (working on sharing...)
How old is Mommy - I don't know
How old is Daddy - I don't know
How old are you - THREE
What is your favorite thing to do - watch movies
Who is your best friend - Conner (who she rarely sees but loves)
What are you really good at - riding bikes
What do you dream about - going camping
What is your favorite thing to do outside - ride bikes
What is your favorite place to go - to the park
What do you need to take to bed with you at night - am-ma-mals (animals)

Quirks at three:
  • She still struggles with sharing (only child problems...)
  • Clara adores balloons
  • She begs for "one last story" over and over when reading books and listening to stories told aloud
  • She still loves her baby dolls, and loves to carry them, feed them, change their clothes, and push them in her stroller
  • She is INDEPENDENT and doesn't want help getting undressed or getting her shoes on, filling her water glass, getting her coat on or zipped, among many other things
  • She loves to sing all kinds of songs
  • She knows most of her uppercase letters - she still needs to practice N, S, H, I, E, T, and Z
  • When she colors or paints, she covers the page with patches of colors and leaves hardly any white space
  • She likes her hair in one clip or two braids - that's all
  • She takes her shoes off every time we get in the car, and the second we get home she removes her shoes and socks and sweater or jacket
  • She loves to touch the dead things her daddy brings home from his hunting/fishing trips - yuck!
  • The girl can eat more dead meat than any kid I know - she loves it!
  • She still adores milk - and needs a full cup three times a day, in the morning after breakfast on the way to Oma's, before nap, and before bed at night
  • She still naps for 2-3 hours a day and sleeps great at night (8:30-7:00)
  • She's potty trained during the day, but still sleeps with a pull-up at night
  • When we listen to the radio in Mom's car, she always hears our President's name, and says in the funniest voice, "O-baaaaa-maaaa" and tells me he's the President and lives in the white house, with a healthy amount of sass
  • She only eats when she feels like it, but will eat almost anything (some super spicy foods bother her)
  • Everything has to be pink!!!  And to think, when I found out we were having a daughter, I was super conscious of having too much pink.  
  • She's been talking like a baby intentionally for a while...probably because it drives Kurtis and I nuts!!!
  • A dress isn't really a dress in Clara's eyes unless it twirls and poofs out to her liking
  • She's extremely imaginative and loves to pack her bags and "go camping" on the dog bed, or lay out all the blankets she can find and tuck babies and stuffed animals in with them!
  • She ate Life cereal every morning for months of her third year of life!
  • She's an outside girl, and feels like she's being tortured if we don't go outside to play each day (winter was a little rough)
  • She loves to help clean and cook and does a pretty good job of cleaning up after herself


  1. A little quirky...but oh so loveable!

  2. I love a girl who has a little spice in her!
