

egg hunt 2013.

Poor wittle Will...he was too wittle to participate in an egg hunt this year!  But the other two big cousins had a fantastic time!  The funny thing was, we didn't even tell them what was inside the eggs.  They just knew that eggs were outside for them to get!  They had very little combined experience with hunting for eggs, but they did amazingly well.

When I was little, I was notorious for following older boys around and crying during egg hunts because I never found any eggs (shameful and pathetic...) but Clara had it completely figured out.  I was worried that her genes would doom her, but she ran the opposite direction from Ben and both toddlers had a fantastic time hunting eggs!  Success!

Here they are in a pre-hunt hug
 Oma was shielding the children so Emmy and I could capture every moment.  They almost pushed her down trying to get out that door!

 Clara's hair cracks me up in these next pics!!!

 Doesn't Ben look like such a big kid?  Those long legs...awww!

 There were a few moments when Ben and Clara wanted to "touch" eggs in the other person's basket...
 but Oma always managed to step in and mediate at the right time!

 Here are Ben and Clara telling Opa and Oma all about it!

 At the very end, during a fight over an egg, the egg fell to the patio and cracked open...and once these kids found out the eggs contained candy, there was no going back!  I'm pretty sure Ben ate 40 jelly beans and malted milk balls.  Oops!

 Nice photobomb Em!
It was so fun to have the first cousin egg hunt!  The weather was gorgeous.  It's just too bad Steve and Teenie had to miss it!  This was a good practice run for Easter Sunday!  I'll try to attach a video tomorrow of the hunt...4.5 minutes of complete chaos...hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. By "touch" the eggs in the other cousin's basket, I take it you mean "steal"? Fun post! Looking forward to seeing the kiddos put their new found skills to work on Easter. Thanks for helping the kids have such a fun time...oh, and keeping them alive this las week! Steve K.
