

Christmas happenings 2012.

For Christmas Eve this year, we went to Jeff and Janet's house.  Everyone went to a movie in the late afternoon.  We decided to opt out of that, since we have a toddler.  But we joined up with everyone around 7 and had a jolly time!  We missed Angie because she was sick, but everyone else from the fam was there.  And Matt and Marla and Alex and Hannah were there too, just like every Christmas Eve.  Here are a few shots from that night.

 The party really started when Uncle Brad gave Clara M & M's.  
sugar + toddler = crazy!

 Then we decided to put on Clara's Christmas coat (thanks Mike and Molly) and head outside to look at the lights next door, which are insane!  She loved them, of course!

 Then we came back in and got a couple family shots.

 Christmas morning, we let Clara sleep in.  After all, she went to be at 11 pm on Christmas Eve.  So we all were up a little before 9.  She came downstairs to see what Santa brought.

She really just wanted candy canes from Mr. Claus.  And he came through!
 Then we headed back over to Jeff and Janet's to open gifts on Christmas morning.

Clara's favorite was a little tent from Grandma and Pop.  She loves having things that are just her her own chair, her own rocking horse, and now her own tent.
 Auntie Angie came for Christmas morning, even though she wasn't feeling great.  So we got a cute pic of Uncle and Auntie with the gifts they gave Clara.

Our day didn't end there, even though the pictures do...oops!

We headed over to GG and G-Pop's house for a minute to drop off their gift and so Clara could open a few sweet things from them.  It was nice to visit.  But of course, we couldn't stay long.

We made it back home to our house at a little before 2.  Oma and Opa and Emmy were there waiting for us.  So the party continued.  We spent the afternoon playing games and eating a lovely dinner.  Auntie Em had to go to work at the hospital that night, so we ate at around 4:30 so she could leave by 6.  The snow started falling that afternoon, and continued through the night.  So we had a white Christmas after all!  Oma and Opa stayed into the evening, and then braved the snowy roads and headed home.  We relaxed and let Clara play with some of her new toys.  I played with my new toy too...Kurtis got a me a new computer, which we desperately needed.  So I can finally get back to blogging on the computer instead of just with my phone!

We hope you and your families had a very Merry Christmas.  We loved being able to see almost all our family for the holiday, and look forward to the Waldon Christmas, which will happen mid January.  Stay tuned!

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